New Science Discussions

Posted on - Monday 31 Mar 2025

New Science Discussions

Indo Pacific Sea Anemone, Day Fluorescing, Palau, Rock Islands-World Herititage Site, Micronesia

Indo Pacific Sea Anemone, Day Fluorescing, Palau, Rock Islands-World Herititage Site, Micronesia

We’ve just added two new detailed discussions on the science of fluorescence.

Firstly, we have added a very detailed description of what lumens are, and why a monochromatic blue light source can’t be measured in lumens.  This subject comes to us in a question nearly every day.  Enjoy.

Next we have added a treatise on the differences between blue light sources and UV light sources.   This is another topic we often get questions about.  Most people refer to fluo diving as UV diving but in fact, UV is a misnomer and is a poor choice as a light source for fluo diving.  There are indeed creatures that will fluoresce with UV and won’t with blue light but the VAST majority are much more dramatic under blue light.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions – PLEASE don’t hesitate to contact us.

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