We have lost a dear friend and colleague

Posted on - Monday 31 Mar 2025

We have lost a dear friend and colleague

I am sad to report that our dear friend, colleague, member of the FireDiveGear Team and one of the finest human beings to ever walk the face of the earth – Stuart Westmorland died very suddenly.  The loss is profound not only to his family, friends and associates but to the world at large.  Stuart was always there to help, guide, coach and just have a smile.  He was a consummate professional and his photographic work graced the covers of over 200 magazines around the world.  He was the recipient of many awards and accolades for his work with wildlife both above and below the surface.  Stuart left a positive impression on everyone he came into contact with.  He will be missed but never forgotten.  The world is a lesser place with his passing.

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photographer Stuart Westmorland at work Photo Copyright © Brandon Cole. All rights reserved worldwide. www.brandoncole.com This photo is NOT free. It is NOT in the public domain. This photo is a Copyrighted Work, registered with the US Copyright Office. Rights to reproduction of photograph granted only upon payment in full of agreed upon licensing fee. Any use of this photo prior to such payment is an infringement of copyright and punishable by fines up to $150,000 USD. Brandon Cole MARINE PHOTOGRAPHY http://www.brandoncole.com email: brandoncole@msn.com 4917 N. Boeing Rd. Spokane Valley, WA 99206 USA tel: 509-535-3489

Copyright Brandon Coleimg_3358-medium


If you have any questions, comments or suggestions – PLEASE don’t hesitate to contact us.

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